Sunday School AT ROSS GROVE


Most people have heard of Sunday School… sadly, most people do not attend Sunday School. This is an unfortunate fact that harms the health of any church. Those attending will tell you there is no better place to learn more about the Christian walk, familiarize yourself with scripture, or experience a close bond with your fellow church members. The Pastor even says he learned more about God from Sunday School than from seminary or other preachers. In a way, Sunday School is like an ongoing Vacation Bible School experience for adults. Each week, participants build on what they have learned as they grow closer to the Lord and each other. Several classes are currently happening at our church, with more on the way. Some classes are divided by age group and marital status, and others are made up of people who genuinely enjoy being in class together. We are so blessed to have dynamic, knowledgeable Bible teachers who can keep things interesting. Many of the Sunday School classes meet before the worship service and have coffee and a light breakfast as they fellowship before diving into God’s word. It is a great way to get to know our church and its members better. All classes currently meet in the Education Wing, and our Sunday School Superintendent can help you find the right class for you. Don’t miss out on this important opportunity!

If you can’t participate in Sunday School at the normal time, we have some awesome small groups (called Lifegroups at RGBC) to join as well. They meet at different times throughout the month to give working people and those with family obligations a chance to be a part. Click here to learn more about Lifegroups at RGBC.

Email our Sunday School Director by clicking here.